Chapter 42 How Long Does It Take To Kill Him?

I was startled.

Then, my phone rang.

I lowered my head and saw the name "Matteo".

It was already noon. He would usually call me for lunch if he was at the company at this time.

I looked up at Phoenix. When the thought of the orphanage came to mind, I didn't know how I could answer the phone, so I muted the call.

Phoenix didn't say anything.

When my phone stopped buzzing, I asked, "What do you want?"

"Nothing much. It's just that grandpa misses you," Phoenix said coldly.

I couldn't believe it. "How is that possible! Didn't you tell your grandfather that I killed Lola's child and that you want a divorce?"

Phoenix loved Lola so much, and he believed that I was the one who assaulted her.

How could he not take advantage of such a good opportunity?

I didn't believe it!

"What grandpa knows is that you went abroad for further study and just came back the day before yesterday, so he wants to welcome you home tonight," he answered.

It took me a while to process what he was saying.