Chapter 44 Better off as Mrs. Waller

It was Lola.

I stood by the door and listened to her quarrel with the bodyguards. After some time, I opened the door.

She was astonished to see me.

It took her a while before she managed to say with those stiff upper lips, "Grace, it's you."

"What's the matter, Lola Johnston?" I deliberately mentioned her full name.

Her fake smile was failing her, yet she still went on, "What are you doing here? Is Phoenix trying to make things difficult for you again?"

Seeing her hypocritical face, I felt disgusted and angry!

Phoenix and Lola were the reasons behind my child's death.

It was clear that she had no idea I was here.

I grinned. "No. We're doing alright. We went to visit grandpa tonight."

Even though it was getting dark, I could still see Lola's pale face. She didn't believe it at first, but I was still in my evening dress and high heels.

In addition, my face was glowing from the makeup, giving her the impression that I had a good life.