Chapter 61 I Think I’m in Love With You

I wasn't sure what Phoenix was up to.

My naive self thought he would leave after dinner.

So I cooked obediently and invited him to eat.

After he sat down on the round dining table, he patted the chair next to him and instructed, "Sit here."


I hesitated for a moment before taking my seat.

I thought he would leave if I satisfied him.

I sat beside him, watching him have his meal.

He finished one bowl of rice.

Soon, another bowl of rice was finished.

When he asked me to serve him a third bowl of rice, I asked, "Do you eat so much for dinner?"

Phoenix did not answer.

I didn't ask more and merely refilled the bowl.

When dinner was over, he said he wanted to borrow my tablet. I didn't dare to refuse. After lending it to him, I went to my bedroom to text Paige.

I told her everything about Phoenix's unusual behaviour today.

Paige merely replied, saying Phoenix had feelings for me.

"Impossible," I responded.