Chapter 72 Impossible for Her to Be Absent From My Life

After my last visit, I received special treatment at Bridge Corporation.

As soon as I arrived at the front desk, the receptionist greeted me respectfully. "Mrs. Waller."

Then she helped me gain access to the entrance.

I was ashamed of this title but still complied.

I took the elevator to the top floor.

Just as I stepped foot into the corridor, I spotted Phoenix's assistant, Zak, making a phone call in the corner.

He didn't seem to hear me.

Although I was angry, I knew Bridge Corporation wasn't a place I could barge in. Out of courtesy, I stood aside and waited for him to finish his call before telling him that I was looking for Phoenix.

"Mr. Waller isn't here," Zak whispered to the phone.

I didn't eavesdrop on purpose, but the corridor was too quiet.

I was confused. Why did Zak have to answer his phone like this when he was Phoenix's assistant.

Zak added, "The last time I let you in without permission, Mr. Waller wasn't happy about it. I can't do it again this time."