Chapter 85 I Find It Adorable

"Yeah, I'm drunk. I feel terrible. People say wine relieves sorrows, but I still feel terrible after drinking it."

I chattered away while I lay on the coffee table.

The person was silent for a while before saying, "Why don't you tell me about it? You might feel better."


I began telling him about my story with Phoenix.

I didn't know how long I went on before somehow falling asleep.


It was already nighttime by the time I woke up.

My head hurt. I got up and made a bowl of instant noodles. When I wanted to look at the time on my phone, I realized it was out of power.

I was confused because I remembered the battery was full during the day.

The only thing I did was call for an ambulance.

I charged my phone and proceeded to eat my instant noodles. After I was done, my phone was fully charged.

I checked my call history and noticed the unsaved number on it. I recognized it at once. It was the person who supported me in college!

I took a look at the call duration.