
Phoenix's words terrified me!

He was locked up.

No one could see it.

These words reminded me of what happened in prison and the kidnapping.

I struggled desperately and shouted, "Help! Help! Help!"

I looked at Billy's room. Although I knew that he rarely stayed at home, there was still a glimmer of hope in my heart!

However, after I shouted for a long time, the door didn't move.

Phoenix also realized that Billy was not at home.

He seemed to have understood something. He held me in his arms and said, "Come with me and stay with me. Don't go anywhere."

"No! You're crazy!"

"I don't. I can give you everything you want. Clothes, houses, gems, cosmetics, whatever you want, I will buy them for you as long as you stay with me!"

As Phoenix spoke, he reached out to press the elevator door behind him.

I struggled.

But he was too powerful.

When I saw the elevator room rising layer by layer, my heart was afraid.