I'll let you go this time.

I don't know when Phoenix left, but that day, I sat at the door for a long time.

Until he fell asleep unconsciously.

Early the next morning, I woke up at the entrance of the pass.

The first thing I did was to open the door. There was nothing outside. Although it had been a night, I could still smell the scent of alcohol.

It seemed that Phoenix had really drunk yesterday.

Back in the room, I wanted to call Matteo, but found a message on my mobile phone.

It was from Phoenix.

He said, "I'll let you go this time. Don't let me see you again."

Seeing this message, my heart ached a little.

After hesitating for a moment, he called Matteo.

She had wanted to tell him what Phoenix had told her yesterday.

But the phone hadn't been connected for a long time.

When he returned to me again, it was already in the afternoon.

On the phone, I could hear that Matteo's voice was very tired. When I told him about it, Matteo was also a little absent-minded.

No one replied to me.