Chapter 107 Prepare for her birthday

Phoenix looked at me and said nothing.

I told her about my visit to the Summerfield Medical Center today, including her standing in front of the bed.

After that, I raised my head and looked at Phoenix. The corners of my lips curled into a playful smile. "You can trust me."

After that, I handed the clothes to the servant beside me and walked into the room.

However, she heard Phoenix behind her say, "It's your birthday in a few days. Do you have anywhere you want to go or a gift you want?"

It was her birthday.

This word is familiar but strange to me.

"Forget it. My birthday is coming soon, but there are still more than two weeks left."

I turned around and looked at Phoenix. The man was loosening his tie with his hands.

To be honest, he was so sexy.

He untied his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a little firm chest muscles.

The pair of deep black eyes looked at me. It was true that he was also looking at Lola like that.