Chapter 110 Catch up 

I looked up and couldn't help but be stunned.

When he saw that it was a colleague of the design department's different group, his name was Yumi.

I used to take a taxi together because I found a project in the same community as her.

They were not familiar with each other, but they knew each other.

I nodded.

After she sat down, I lowered my head and continued to eat. However, I heard her say, "Grace, I saw Mr. Waller pick you up yesterday. The video yesterday is yours, isn't it?"

"... It's not me."

I immediately denied it.

"Why don't you admit it? Everyone says that Mr. Waller is your Grace's fiance. But when Mr. Waller picked you up yesterday, he treated you very well..."

He's two years younger than me. He's just stepped out of the campus, and he's an innocent person.

Perhaps due to my recent contact with people and things, I was a little vigilant. I looked at her and said, "In that case, wouldn't I be a mistress?"


Yumi was obviously stunned by what I said.