Chapter 134 She should be the future female leader of Waller family

The entire car's airbags were all out, and the man was wrapped in the airbags, motionless.


I was scared to death and rushed over to Phoenix's car door.

The man just sat up straight with his eyes closed. Blood was all over his body and the airbag. I don't know where the blood was.

Seeing this scene, my heart wanted to be choked by a hand.


Very distressed!

But I didn't dare to move, I was afraid that if I moved, Phoenix would have problems.

Fortunately, at the door of the hospital, several doctors came out pushing the mobile bed.

At this time, Liam and Jasmine all came over.

The condition of Lola's car is more serious than that of Phoenix's car. The airbags are all out, there is blood inside, and the front of the car is seriously deformed.

When she was lifted out, her face was obviously covered in blood, and a large wound on her forehead was very obvious.

I watched Phoenix being carried in, and wanted to follow, but was stopped by Liam.