Chapter 136 We have married 3 years

I wasn't angry either, looking at Libby, "Then let him see Lola? We're leaving without seeing us."

"You..." Libby stared at me, her angry eyes almost bursting with fire, but in the end, of course, Lola is more important!

She only thought about it and said, "Look! But only Mr. Waller can go, you can't go!"

In fact, from Libby's name for Phoenix, I think they have long recognized the reality.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to call Mr. Waller who was so unfamiliar.

"I'm going too." I said this while looking at Phoenix.

When he spoke, he held the man's right hand tightly with his arm and pouted, a little like a spoiled child.

"Well, I'll take you there." Phoenix looked at me with doting eyes.

Libby looked at everything in his eyes, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

But what does this have to do with me?

I just want to see what medicine is sold in Lola's gourd.

In this way, Phoenix and I finally entered Lola's ward.