Chapter 138 You're all lying to me!

"Grace." Lola took my hand and asked sincerely, "Can you tell me what happened in the past three years?"

"Want to know?"

I looked at her suspiciously.

I don't know if she's sincere or if she's trying to trick me...

"Well, I want to know!" Lola pulled me, still like a good Grace before, "I asked my mother and my father, but they refused to tell me why, they just said that I didn't marry Mr. Waller. …”

In fact, now Lola is more like a good Grace.

Or she really lost her memory.

Either her acting is better than before.

I thought about it for a while and asked her, "Then tell me first, why do you think you will marry Phoenix? After all, you two just met before marriage."

"We...we've known each other since we were young!"

Lola looked at me innocently.

"I've known each other since I was very young? Why didn't I know? Tell me about it."

I want to know, what is the reason why Phoenix and Lola must be entangled.

Lola seemed to be stopped by my question.