Chapter 140 Two wifes and one husband?

I followed Joe into the office.

He closed the door, then looked at me with a serious face, "Grace, why are you so confused! No matter how much Mr. Waller reports you to the finals, you can't copy it!"

"I didn't plagiarize, she copied me."

I said calmly.

"She copied you? How is that possible! You entered the semi-finals in 50th place. This time, this work has a high degree of completion and a novel concept. When you see Yuki, you have put a lot of thought into it. It's not good for you to copy, but it's hers. ?!"

Joe didn't believe my words at all.

He only believes in Yuki, who I plagiarized.

But I don't blame her either.

After all, I am in the company, although the level is not bad, but not the same level as Yuki.

Yuki has won many awards with novel themes.

I have also paid more or less attention to it.

"I didn't plagiarize, I have the original file on my computer," I said.