Chapter 142 Publish the relationship

While showing things, Yuki began to talk about his design ideas.

Although it's not the same as me, but it's also straightforward.

Even some small things, I just designed them casually, and she can tell some doorways.

Although I haven't opened my mouth yet, I feel like I've lost.

After all, although I am the author, her language organization ability and on-the-spot adaptability are superior to mine.

I know very well that what I have to say later is definitely not as good as hers.

After Yuki finished speaking, I took out things to talk about my design concepts and ideas.

I just opened the model diagram, and the people below are sighing.

I think everyone, like me, can see that these are two identical model files.

This is not plagiarism.

is a copy.

I talked about my design philosophy and ideas.

In order to win the hearts of everyone for myself, I also shared my experience in the orphanage since I was a child.