Chapter 14  She Happened to Lack Money

Isabella didn't know whether she should be happy or sad.

When they got married, Christian was particularly reluctant and added many marital conditions. But now, when she was willing to get divorce, he was unhappy again, which just confused her a lot.

Next morning, Isabella went to the bank and withdrew the money.

The 5 million cash filled two bags, which were a bit heavy. Isabella then directly went to the lawyer’s office. "Mr. Taylor, here is 5 million. It should be enough. My father’s case depends on you."The lawyer counted the cash and was relieved as well. "Yes, it’s enough. We just need to pay the illicit money. I’ll defend your father as best I can."

"Thank you." Isabella didn't know what to say, but thanked him repeatedly.

She was really grateful that her father knew such a good lawyer, who was still willing to take a case like this. Otherwise, she would have enough trouble just finding a lawyer.

"Isabella, Mr. Smith wants to see you in his office."