Chapter 16 She Couldn’t be Blamed

Looking at the diamond ring on her finger, Lexie was smug and said: "Christian hasn't back yet. Let me show you around."

"I saw him just now. I don't think there is any need to see him."

Understanding everything, Isabella didn’t feel that upset. She took off the burning ring and put it on Lexie's palm: "He bought this, and I don't have to keep it anymore. Remember to give it to him."

Seeing Isabella off, Lexie's face darkened.

In the end, she took the ring off on her finger and put it in the velvet box, beside which was Isabella's one.

It was she who fetched Christian's delivery. When she saw it was a Tiffany ring in a velvet box, she couldn't help but try it on. At the same time, Isabella entered.

She didn’t say Christian gave it to her, but just chose not to explain. It was Isabella who got it wrong.

She couldn't be blamed.