Chapter 23  Swimming

The eleventh floor was like another world. Its walls were covered with expensive oil paintings, and even the suite was excellent. Behind the large French windows, there was a view of the endless sea.

Luke ran into a business partner on the cruise, who kept inviting him over for a chat.

Having no choice, he had to ask Isabella to babysit Rachel.

Isabella laughed: "Don't worry, I will take good care of her."

She then brought Rachel to hang around in the cruise ship.

The restaurant was very big which served delicacies from almost all countries. After being pregnant for two months, Isabella became especially into sour food. She even had that sour Spanish soup a few bowls in a row.

Just then, Rachel pulled Isabella's clothes.

"What?" Isabella asked, following Rachel’s gaze, she saw a few little guys in swimsuits coming into the dining room. It seemed that they were going swimming after meal.

Isabella laughed: "Do you want to go swimming?"

With great desire, Rachel nodded.