Chapter 40   fall in love after days and nights

Instead of raising his glass, Christian picked up his chopsticks with his eyebrows frowned, then asked, "You still need to work in the afternoon. You can drink off work If you want."

Other than Isabella, the rest were all stunned and looked at Christian’s the glass with the same expression. They swallowed and then quickly put the glasses, nodding, "Mr. Miller is right. Let's eat more instead of drinking.

No drinking anymore. Isabella immediately became more relaxed. She placed the glass far away and started to eat.

Adrian's eyes focused on the two people for a while, then he smiled even.

Isabella's phone suddenly rang after eating for a while,

"Excuse me."

She saw it was Luke. He probably was calling to ask about Rachel, so she smiled to everyone and answered it without going outside.

"Hi, Luke."

Christian couldn't help but glance at her, when he heard her soft tone.

"Isabella, didi you eat?"