Chapter 45 Sue You For Sexual Harassment

"Isabella." Luke walked over, and carried Rachel casually, then he smiled lightly, "She slept pretty well."

Isabella touched her forehead with a soft look, “Yeah, she's a good and sweet. Put her in the car, in case of catching a cold."

Luke nodded, and when he turned around, he saw Christian walking over from behind, and his eyes froze, "Mr. Miller."

Christian stopped when they were talking. Looking at the picture of a family of three from a distance, he seemed to be stabbed in the chest. He was out of breath and was very eye-catching.

"I thought Miss Isabella came back hurriedly because of her work. It turns out she wanted to meet Luke."

   Isabella stiffened slightly. After a second, she held onto Luke's arm and smiled to Chrostian, "Yes, he is leaving soon. Of course, I want see him as much as I can. Surrounded by lots of women, you definitely can not understand this feeling. "