Chapter 47  Is The Wine That I Care About?

At the same time, a noisy bar in Brighton, two men were sitting in a corner. One was constantly drinking wine, while the other was quietly smoking on the side.

Christian finished another bottle of wine, Adrian also finished one cigarette and stubbed it out. Finally, he took away the glass from Christian’s hand, "Although it didn't spend your money, you couldn’t drink it like water right?"

Christian turned to look at him. His handsome face was slightly red and drunk, but it was not obvious. His eyes were still clear, "Your care about the wine?

   Adrian's mouth twitched, "Is the wine that I care about? You didn't say anything after coming here for a long time, and even if you want me to watch you drink, you should at least give me a reason, right? " Adrian twitched at the corners of his mouth. "Is the wine that I care about? You haven't said a word for a long time. Even you wanted me to watch you drink. You should let me know the reason, right?"