Chapter 55 Raise Child For Someone Else

Naomi gave her a stare, "Do you think I'm stupid as you? Raising child for someone else after divorce. "


Hearing that, Isabella's pretty face darkened, "Raising child for whom? It's my child. Besides, do you have to mock me? "

Naomi said apologetically, "Sorry, babe, I was wrong."

She knew about the things between her and Christian more or less.

Isabella said snappily: "Then why did you come for me? You know what to do, but you won't listen to me no matter what I say. The answer is that, If you don't confess yourself to him, you can never get any result. "

She had never seen that man before, nor did she know if he was good or bad. At most, she heard praise words from Naomi.

Naomi suddenly became silent, whose face became indifferent.

Then No one spoke for a long time. Suddenly, the phone on the table rang.

Naomi was a bit shocked, "It's him."

Isabella stared at the phone which was still vibrating, then looked at her, "You're not answering it?"

Naomi hesitated.