Chapter 61 That's Not What I Meant

She had originally thought that she had made things clear enough, but who knew that Shawn said with a smile: "I'll take the responsibility If something goes wrong. I still believe in you, Miss Jones. "

Mr. Smith also encouraged her, "Since Mr. Simons has already said so, Isabella, just accept it. It's a good opportunity."

Isabella showed a stiff smile. She did not want this opportunity at all. In just a few months, even if she could hide her pregnancy, she wouldn't dare to take such a huge project. 

Simon and Smith didn't know that she was pregnant, but Christian did. He slightly frowned and looked at Shawn with a faint smile: "Mr. Simons, I really admire your courage. Making a newbie with only three-year-working experience take a project with a few hundred millions. Are you not afraid to lose all your money? Your trust on her seems a bit personal."

No one present expected him to interrupt, and they all looked at him.