Chapter 70  Stay Away From Him

That man made himself innocent with just a meal.

Isabella then rolled her eyes and said coldly, "Go ahead and eat. I'll be back later."

Diana didn't care about her. She smiled at Christian: "Christian, my leg is injured. Could you please send her back?"

Before Christian could reply, Isabella interrupted her, "Mom, I'm not a kid. I know how to get home by myself."

Seeing that she seemed really angry, Diana bitterly shut up bitterly.

Looking at Isabella and smiled: "Mrs. Jones, don't worry, I'll make someone send her back."

He would definitely send her home by himself if he hadn't to catch the flight.

Isabella didn't want to argue with him. She only held her bag and said to her mother: "Then rest well. Call me or the nurse if there is anything."

"Okay, go home."


Isabella left the ward followed by Christian like a shadow.

It was only until they were out of the hospital did she turn around to face him. But Christian spoke first.