Chapter 84 Catch Me If You Can

After politely rejecting their invitation for lunch, Isabella left with Minh and John.

Looking at her watch, she said: "Let's go lunch first, then to the next company.

John nodded.

But Minh frowned, “Shouldn't we go back to hotel and have a rest first?"

Looking at him, Isabella said: "Are you tried?"

"I'm okay, but haven't you walked for long?" Then he winked at her and said with concern, “Don't force yourself if you're feeling uncomfortable. John and I can visit that one in the afternoon."

John was a little confused, but still he nodded, “Um, yeah. That's right."

Isabella shot a glance at him, then looked at herself. Then she suddenly understood, sneering, "Do you really believe what I said? It was just an excuse, as I was afraid of wasting too much time there and it may be more difficult for us to reject their lunch invitation.”