Chapter 90 I Feel Like Being Schemed

As expected, just as she lay down, Christian pushed the door open. He walked to the bedside, then opened the lunchbox.

The fragrance of the dishes soon filled the air.

Quietly watching him patiently arranged everything for her, she suddenly recalled last time when he looked after her in hospital. At that time, they hadn't got divorced, and he also took care of her like this. But this time, however, still some difference from last time. 

"What are you doing? Aren't you starving?" Christian handed the fork to her, his gentle interrupting her thoughts.

"Oh, thanks." Isabella took the fork, looking at the dishes placed in front of her. There was a steak, a salad, and also a borsch.

She then raised her head and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Eat. I'll eat later." Christian smiled. He naturally reached out and pulled her hair from cheek behind her ears.