Chapter 92 You Believe That Your Won't Rob My Children?

Isabella felt like she was about to out of rage.

She gave Minh an angry glare to shut him up, then tried her best to tell John in a calm tone, "Mr. Smith need me to deal with issues here in Leeds, so you can go back with Minh first tomorrow morning. As for the working schedule the next few days, I'll send you later in the evening. Take care of everything in our department. Call me whenever you have any problems."

John immediately nodded with a serious expression, "No problem, Miss Jones. Don't worry, I arrange everything well."

Hearing this, Isabella smiled and nodded.

She actually approved of his working ability. Although he wasn't as smart as Minh, he always did his job down to earth. He could finish what she asked he to do in most cases.

Minh leaned over and smiled at her, "Miss Jones, what about me? What should I do?"