Chapter 103  So Dull

After crying in Naomi's embrace for long, Isabella finally calmed down. She rubbed her wet eyes, asking, "How are you and Mr. Hayward doing?"

Naomi was startled, then suddenly blushed. She pretended to be calm and said: "We went back to the very beginning. It's just that he would take me along every time he goes on a business trip, and takes care of me."


Isabella blinked her eyes, "Nothing more? He didn't say anything else to you?"

Naomi's gaze dimmed. She curled her lips and shook her head, "No, he's not much of a talker. With his poker face, I can't figure out his mind."

"So you never tried anymore?"

Naomi's eyelids instantly rolled upwards, saying: "D*mn! Don't mention it! Before I even received roses from a chaser of me in front of him, but he didn't have any reaction, or even mentioned it later."


Isabella didn't know what to say. She knew that Naomi was intelligent and could think of more ways than her. 

"And you've never done that ever since?"