Chapter 112 I Know How She Is

What magic potion did that woman have him drink? Before they got divorced, they had never been so intimate. Why now...

Looking at the sumptuous dishes  in front of him, Christian taunted: "You'd rather believe trust other's words than your own son's."

"I …" Mallory choked.

Christian picked up his fork, casually picked a piece of fish and put it into his mouth. Then he lazily said: "Whether or not I help her during this period is my own business. If you still care about the Miller's reputation, don't make it too public."


Mallory put down her fork heavily, then said with an anger look, "An I still your mother? You want to go against me just for a woman you've divorced? Christian, do you think that I am useless now? And I can't even distinguish good from bad?"