Chapter 115 Bad Temper

Isabella unconsciously turned her head to look in the distance, but she saw nothing.

Suddenly, Christian's face appeared in her mind.

Did he return to Leeds today?

But instantly, she came to her senses.

Where he went had nothing to do with her.

The surgery ended at 4pm. As soon as the lights in the room were turned down, Isabella and Diana quickly stood up and walked over.

They anxiously asked the doctor, "Doctor, how is my father now?"

The doctor took off his mask and said: "The operation was successful. but whether or not he would fully recover depends on his situation after he wakes up. I'll give a proof over to the prison."

Isabella gratefully nodded, "Thank you so much, doctor."

Finally relieved, Diana was extremely excited as well. 

Luke smiled. He carried the sleeping Rachel and comforted her: "He's gonna be fine. You guys go rest for a while. I'll stay here."

"I'm not that sleepy. I'll rest after settle my dad down."