Chapter 120  Ten Million

Picking up her phone, Isabella slowly said: "If people were to know that Polygon relied on his employees to sell their flesh to get today's achievement in this industry, I wonder if the entire Polygon Group would blame and tried to kill you. If your colleagues were to know that their Miss Perez who they envy so much is just a hungry dog that would eat dirty puddings, they might be so disgusted they would even throw up. Also, as for Christian… Even if he's not interested in you, he'd feel disgusted by such video, wouldn't he? "

The moment Lexie saw that video, she was out of rage and almost had a blackout. 

Just as Isabella causally said this, Lexie's face gradually turned ashen white, filled with fear and disbelief. Gritting her teeth, she wanted to grab her cell phone. 

"You…When the hell did you take it?"

Isabella nimbly avoided her, took back the phone, then lazily said: "When we were Japan. I just accidentally saw it. But I have to say, Miss Perez, you have a very odd taste."