Chapter 141 I Stand By Your Side

Diana signed and said: "I've been his wife for decades. Can't I even tell his mood? The only thing I regret is that I didn't work with him before. Otherwise, I wouldn't have let him cause so much trouble."

Isabella's heart skipped a beat as she hurriedly put down the cup and comforted her, "Don't ever think about it again. Didn't he get punished already? You didn't make any mistake. He was the one who was wrong." 

"Also, I'll go ask him and may find something out. Don't think too much. He won't hide anything from you."

Diana signed and didn't speak further.

Then Isabella started to teach Rachel to write. After the little girl fell asleep, she left the room.

Just then, Diana came out from the bathroom after washing up. She wiped her hair and asked, "Is Rachel asleep?"

Isabella walked over and nodded, "The reason I took her home was to see if I could cure her autistic symptoms. This is what Luke and I thought of."