Chapter169 Narrow-Minded

After ordering, he returned the menu back to the waiter and poured her a cup of warm water, asking: "I was on a business trip two days ago and made an appointment with a specialist friend for children's autism. You can tell Luke later."

Isabella was surprised that he would even be concerned about Rachel's issue, "Thank you, I'll tell him later."

Lowering his head to look at the patterns on the table, Christian then said calmly: "I'll send you the detailed information about the specialist, or else Mr. Allen won't believe me. After all, he has seen quite a few experts this year, and is now even counting on you."

He spoke quite slowly and his voice was very low, giving off an illusion of gentleness.

At the beginning, Isabella was still grateful, but his last sentence suddenly made her feel something was amiss.

It made her feel that he wasn't actually doing this for Rachel, but rather because he didn't want this child to stay with her all day.