Chapter174 Kiss

After washing up, Isabella lied on bed in her pyjamas, reading a storybook with Rachel. 

Seeing the little girl fall asleep with her breathing evenly, she carefully lifted the blanket and got off the bed.

She then took her phone and lightly walked to the balcony. 

Turning on her cell phone, she hesitated before dialling a number. 

It took a long while before the call connected. "Oh... Isabella... " It was a hoarse male voice. 

Isabella instantly sensed that something was amiss with him, "Christian... What's wrong with you?"

Didn't he go to see his mother?

Her heart suddenly sank as she asked anxiously, "What happened to your mother? Where are you now? "

"Ugh... I, I just came back... Scenery Bay."

Christian's voice was hoarse and low, which didn't have much strength. 

Scenery Bay?

Aren't they at the same place?