Chapter187 Take Care Of Her

Isabella was too late to stop him. She could only stand there stiffly.

When the door opened, John and Minh who were at the door saw Christian. Instead of being shocked, they just smiled and greeted, "Mr. Miller."

Isabella pursed her lips. They obviously understood everything, while they didn't say it overtly. Such understanding made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Come in." Christian stepped aside to let them in.

Minh and John walked casually into the room, and found a place to sit down. 

John was the first to speak, "Miss Jones, we will go directly to Fantasy later, right? Should I inform them in advance? "

Isabella's face regained its calmness. She had some porridge in the lunchbox and said, "There's no need for now since we're already here. We can directly go to their company to take a look."

If they were really busy, they might not have the time to pay attention to small companies like Benton. So Isabella thought they might just go over and take a look first.