Chapter190 A Surprise

After all, she broke in without permission, and the meeting did not leave any time for her to prepare. Being extremely embarrassed, she had to step forward and smiled "Mr. Simons."

She wasn't sure if it was her imagination, but the atmosphere in the room was strange. It reminded her of the cold beauty she had met a few minutes ago.

Shawn's handsome face immediately revealed a smile. He stood up and walked to her front, "Please take a seat. Why didn't you inform me in advance when you were in London so that I can arrange for someone to pick you up?

Isabella smiled. She wiped her jacket and bent over as she sat on the sofa, "It's not an urgent matter. I'm here for other things, and have some time to visit you today."

She did not say that her purpose here was him.

"Just you alone?" Shawn's gaze was always on her face, his eyes warm and enchanting, with a smile on his lips.