Chapter192 Apologise

He didn't say that he didn't want to join Polygon, but just that he didn't want to enter it through this way.

Christian's pupils shrank. He looked at him and laughed meaningfully, and chinked her glass with his held by his slender fingers, "You're right. I still have a good insight into people, so I naturally choose you, believing in your potential, are you sure you do not want this opportunity?"

Minh smiled unhurriedly, "Thank you for your praise, Mr. Miller, but I still feel that I need some training before I enter a large company like Polygon. If you still want me at that time, I would follow you without hesitation."

Isabella didn't know what Christian was thinking and only Looked at Minh, not expressing any opinions.

Everyone had their own choices, so she could only suggest that they shouldn't be forced.

Christian put down the cup, smiling, "I respect your decision, Mr. Johnson, but if you change your mind, you can come and find me anytime."