Chapter195 Dinner

She crossed his legs and sat there, lightly sipping a small cup of tea  and looking into the distance. The hand that rested on her knee was fair and tender, and the sparkling diamond ring on his finger exuded a noble aura.

The person stood still for a few seconds, then waved at the waiter to back off. He took off his mask and sunglasses, then strode over and said, "Sarah."

Hearing that, Sarah slowly turned her head, revealing her cold face. Seeing it was him, her expression softened. "You're here."

The man pulled out the chair opposite her and casually sat down. With a slight smile, he said, "You still know how to enjoy life, Sarah."

Sarah raised her lower lip and poured him a cup of tea. Her voice was light and gentle as she said, "When did you come back? I was not informed."