Chapter 221 Hand in hand

"一Great." Isabella caressed Rachel's soft and tender face tenderly, her happy appearance could not be described with words.

As if infected by her, the little girl's rosy cheeks became even more radiant as she held onto her hand, refusing to let go.

"Senior, let's go to my house first. I've asked my mom to make dinner, you all should be hungry by now." Isabella smiled.

"Hum. Alright."

The three of them walked outside. Just as Isabella was about to stop a taxi, a black car suddenly stopped in front of them.

Soon afterwards, the driver came down, walked up to the two and respectfully said, "Miss Isabella, Mr. Luke, it was Christian who sent me to pick you two up."

Isabella's face changed slightly.


Why was he so bored?

Recalling his words before, he said that he regarded senior as a rival in love. Regardless of whether it was true or false, the atmosphere between them was a little strange.