Chapter 223 Sleep in the elevator

i一n the elevator


With a snort, she abandoned him and walked into the distance. Under the neon lights, the woman's slender legs moved very quickly.

Christian was startled for a rare moment, as though he never expected her to suddenly turn hostile, but with a thought, he guessed why she was angry, and immediately felt at ease.

The corner of his lips curled up. He quickly went over to grab her wrist and pulled her into his embrace. He hugged her tightly and said softly, "I need to take a taxi to the roadside. What are you doing over there?"

Isabella pushed him a little, frowned, and said with a fierce face, "Who said I was taking a taxi? I'll go take the bus. You can go back first. "

She had just finished her meal and didn't want to take the bus immediately, but she wasn't in the mood to hang out with him. Taking the bus was the best way, and at this point, there wouldn't be many people on the bus.