Chapter 229 Do you like it?

Isabella still chose to stay, perhaps she wanted to obtain Mrs. Christian's recognition from the bottom of her heart. She hadn't been able to do it in the past four years, and she wanted to know if it would be different if she had a child.

After sitting down for a few minutes, she felt that the atmosphere had become a little weird. the Ford's members were especially attentive to Christian, and were also a lot more polite to her along the way.

"Christian, knowing that Miss Isabella is pregnant, mother and I specially prepared a small gift to congratulate you in advance."

Isabella glanced at it, and the words "Eight Great Families" cost him.

Christian was too lazy to even give a single glance at the priceless treasure that he used a book to cover Isabella's face.

Chuckling lightly, "Mr. Perez, what are you talking about? Your child hasn't even been born yet, so what kind of gift are you giving me? I'm afraid your efforts were in the wrong place."