Chapter 247 Satisfied

eating anything but noodles


Isabella's ear felt itchy, and her heart warmed. She raised her head and looked at the other party's face.

A cup of porridge was served. It had just been taken down from the furnace and was still bubbling. The sticky rice grains were rolling back and forth, Isabella couldn't help but light up when she smelled the fragrance.

The man pulled the plate towards his side. Isabella's gaze followed the bowl of porridge, like a child who was afraid that he wouldn't be able to eat good food, and only reacted when he saw that the plate was getting further and further away from him. He opened his mouth and looked at the man in shock.

"It's too hot, I'll put it in your bowl." The man tried to hold back his laughter as he explained, then casually took a small bowl from the side.

Isabella was startled, in the next second she immediately sat upright with her upper body, she held herself up and said indifferently, "hum, it looks quite hot just by looking at it."