Chapter 252 Do you like to eat it?

who likes to eat it the most?


It was late afternoon by the time he came out of the studio, and the heat had finally dissipated.

Just as he was about to get on the car, Isabella reached out his hand, placed it on his palm and gloated, "Thank you for your hard work."

The man took it and put it into his suit pocket, but his eyebrows didn't even twitch.

"Call Mom and tell her that they've been worrying a lot these past few days," the car had already started up. "Let's go to the supermarket first."

Isabella nodded, the moment she took out her phone, she suddenly remembered that in the three days that she disappeared, he called the most.

A second before he pressed the call, he couldn't help but turn his head and ask, "Are you worried about me too?"

The car was in traffic, and it was rush hour, so he didn't hear her clearly and asked her to say it again.