Chapter 263 Unexpected news

"He was good—sighted in finding a wife.”

With that, he pulled her by the waist and got into the car.

Steven happily closed the door for them with a big smiling face.

After around 10—minute drive, Isabella realized that she was not on her way home.

Unhappily, she asked the man beside her, "where are you taking me? I want to go home.”

He comforted her, "you are in a bad mood so you should stay in your room when you get home. Why don't you go to a place where you can relax safe by meeting your friends?"

Isabella knew how terrible her complexion was, but she was not in the mood to meet her friends. She only wanted to go back and sleep, and forget about the matters related to him.

"I want to go home," I said again.

Steven's eyes twitched, his heart tensed up, afraid that the two would argue.

"Naomi is pregnant too, don't you want to talk to her?" The man informed her calmly.

Isabella was surprised, "follow …"

Christian nodded.

"Then …"

"Probably getting married."