Chapter 266 Crisis

Isabella stayed at home all day long, and at dusk she was pulled out by the Diana to buy vegetables.

Downstairs, she saw Christian's new car and the driver immediately got off the car upon seeing her.

"Christian has some business to attend to in the next two days and can not come over. And I’m arranged to pick you up,” the driver looked very professional, but Isabella could not help but be suspicious.

"Canon and Steven don't have time either?"

The driver paused, then raised his head and said calmly, “they went on a business trip with Christian."

Isabella felt that something was wrong. She didn't get in the car, she walked with Diana to the supermarket, while the man followed behind.

Diana turned her head and looked at them, her gaze moving slightly, "Although Christian is usually very careful, she doesn't need anyone to follow him. Could something have happened? You can call and ask.”