Chapter 275 Crisis 2.0

Isabella thought that he would leave immediately. After all, the commotion caused in the banquet was not small. Lying a while, she, who was still in anger, was hunger unexpectedly.

Eating something just before the banquet was nothing to the current her.

She opened the bedroom door and was stunned. The lights were all on and the fragrance of food assaulted her nose.

A man was walking out of the kitchen with a dish in his hand. When he saw her, he said, "eat."

He was wearing a hotel apron and looked quite happy.

The spotlessly white plate was covered with green vegetables and was glistening with an alluring luster. Two dishes had already been placed on the table that was filled with meat. they were all her recent favorites.

As he walked over, the man pulled out a chair for her.

"Why are you still in the mood to cook? Aren't you busy? "

Isabella shot him a glance and ate two mouthfuls of food.