Chapter 283 Flying

"This has been my hard work for many years, and I have been in this industry for so many years, that's the equivalent of my life and family here. I'll say it in secret," with that, he covered his mouth and laughed, "I haven't even spent such a lot of time with my family."

Isabella was amused by his wit, and was surprised, "you produce this?"

"Christian and Wendy never mentioned it to you?" the man was surprised, "I do research and development, this is my research and development base."

Isabella could not help but become curious about the huge warehouse, if it was research and development, it would make people look at it in a different light.

Very quickly, they were brought in for a tour around the place. There were so many researchers walking back and forth among the machines and testing equipment.

Christian came on time, Isabella watched from afar as he walked over wearing a suit and shoes, her figure was long and slender, and her aura couldn't help but emanate from him.