Chapter 288 Don't abandon me

Christian had deep eyes, and she soon covered it before its exposure to her.

Isabella's lips moved slightly. After all, she had lived with him for such a long time, even though the resentment between her and Mallory had grown deeper and deeper, she was still her mother.

He pulled on his blanket and said with care, "go back and take a look and you are needed there."

The man quickly stood up and said, "No need, Steven has already gone over. Lexie has her parents over there.

Isabella followed his gaze and raised her head, opening her mouth.

This man seemed to be very confident no matter what, but he would never reveal even the slightest bit of it to her.

All she could see was that he wanted to be exposed.

He didn't say anything and just pushed him to take a bath. Since he didn't want to leave, he should take a good rest. After following him for a few days, he realized that he didn't sleep much and was used to working on his documents at night.