Chapter 291 Food poison

The man glanced at him coldly, “I don't have the time right now. Today, I must get an answer from you."

Steven's forehead was drenched in cold sweat as he repeatedly nodded his head.

"What did Minh come here for today?"

Wiping his sweat, he quickly replied, "he came here with Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith's mother is sick, it should be a coincidence that we meet him here."

The man coldly pursed his lips and sneered without a trace of warmth in his eyes.”I don't believe in coincidences. Continue checking and controlling the surveillance cameras to see where he's been to the hospital."

Minh received the order and quickly left.

Christian bade farewell to the people inside and went to look for Isabella.

He felt like she was being fried in a pan. If something happened to Tristan, she would never be able to forgive herself for the rest of her life.