Chapter 298 Be nice to you

Mallory had been strong and forceful all her life, but anyway, she was still a person who came from a large family. Since she was excluded from doing these kinds of things, wasn't it embarrassing for her, the Christian’s?

At the same time, she couldn't understand why she was treated like a big enemy even after getting married for such a long time. Was it because she wasn't worthy of his son? But she was pregnant, was there a need to press her so hard?

The man tightly shut his thin lips and stared at her with a dark expression.

"Don't follow me, I want to stay by myself for a while." He turned around and left.

After exiting the gate, they walked along the road. The environment here was very good, but it also meant that there were very few residences, not to mention waiting for a taxi.

At fifty meters behind him followed Christian's car.