Chapter 301 See you

Tristan seemed to be a little depressed. He pushed the wheelchair around and returned to Isabella, with a dark face, “the study is on the second floor. Is this meant to not letting me to read?”


Isabella took a quick glance and discovered that there was actually an inconspicuous elevator door at the corner of the stairs…Everything was prepared for convenience.

It was not as if there were no neighbors around. There had almost one family every ten meters away from the yard. And there was a child playing with a dog.

"Isabella," a clear voice sounded.

Jamie stood outside the door with no expression on his face.

She could find her the moment she moved over?

"It wasn't Christian who told me to stay here, you’d better not think too much into it." Her delicate features carried a hint of sarcasm.

Isabella raised her eyebrows, she did not seem to have offended her.

"What's the matter?" She didn't intend to open the door, so she asked through the door.